Monday, January 31, 2011

Things That I'm Into: Awaiting a Blizzard

We are hunkering down and preparing for almost TWO FEET of snow with a) cinnamon tea, b) furry slippers, and c) multiple episodes of the first season of "The Wire." Could be worse.

(the wire image from here)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Things That I'm Into: Raclette

Okay, so imagine a deliciously creamy and salty cheese with the perfect amount of flavor. Then imagine that it was slow cooked over a camp fire so it got all deliciously melty and some of the bits got wonderfully crispy. Then imagine this cooked cheese was put on a sandwich with fresh baked bread and served with a stone ground mustard and pickles.

Pastoral Cheese shop in Chicago makes this sandwich, which they dub the "Raclette N Roll." This is how their blog describes the cheese making process:

Raclette has its origins in the southern part of Switzerland, but the name is based on the French word racleur which means “to scrape.” The first people to discover the deliciousness of this cheese in melty form were the cow herders who worked high on the mountains. For dinner they would take some Raclette and warm it by the fire until it turned soft and gooey. Then they would scrape the cheese on to foods like potatoes, pickles, or charcuterie. See

Here are some pics of the sandwich before it was devoured:

You probably can't even imagine how delicious it is, so I'll just tell you. AMAZING. This is definitely the best new sandwich I've been introduced to since 2004 when I was introduced to the Bay Cities Caprese in Santa Monica, CA. Best sandwich in SEVEN YEARS, people!

You can get it at Pastoral, on Broadway and in the Loop and at Union Station through March 31st. (If I was a better blogger, I would link, but you guys all know how to use google.)

Viva la Fromage!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Things That I'm Into: Home State Pride

Even when we are in the midwest, we like to represent, particularly when the ducks are playing in the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP GAME.

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A sad game, but a good time. I'd still way rather be from Oregon then be from Alabama. Though the war eagle is pretty sweet.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Things That I'm Into: My Street in Winter

It's so peaceful, I love walking out in the morning on the way to work after it snows.

Plus, if it snowed that means it is relatively warm, not like the nightmare weather we are getting at the end of this week. (High of 8 DEGREES on Friday. SRSLY.)
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Things That I'm Into: Commuting Anthems

Sometimes I go through phrases with "commuting anthems." I usually rotate them in and out every two or three weeks. My commute is about a five or six song commute. Here are three that have firmly been in the commuting anthem rotation for the last weeks:

Arcade Fire, We Used to Wait

Passion Pit, Sleepyhead

Black Keys, Next Girl

Listen away, peeps.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Things That I'm Into: Sunny and Cold

15 degrees: Kewaunee, Wisconsin.
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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Things That I'm Into: 2011!

It's a new year! First, apparently I kind of gave up on blogging 74 days ago. Sorry world. I bet you were all VERY upset that you haven't been updated as to what I've been into. I know. I'm sorry.
Since 2011 is obviously THE FUTURE it's probably a good time to pick up this blog since I'm sure there will be lots of things that I will be into. I can already foresee some now: hoverboards, astronaut ice cream, jetpacks. I can't wait to write those posts.

Before we get there though I want to give one final shout out to 2010, cause I was really into it, even if I neglected to document how into the last 72 days of the year I was. I will always remember 2010 as the year I became a pet parent, got a job I like, traveled to rad places and ate a lot of delicious food. I hope I can be just as into 2011, but I doubt it because I always like even years better than odd years.
