Sunday, January 2, 2011

Things That I'm Into: 2011!

It's a new year! First, apparently I kind of gave up on blogging 74 days ago. Sorry world. I bet you were all VERY upset that you haven't been updated as to what I've been into. I know. I'm sorry.
Since 2011 is obviously THE FUTURE it's probably a good time to pick up this blog since I'm sure there will be lots of things that I will be into. I can already foresee some now: hoverboards, astronaut ice cream, jetpacks. I can't wait to write those posts.

Before we get there though I want to give one final shout out to 2010, cause I was really into it, even if I neglected to document how into the last 72 days of the year I was. I will always remember 2010 as the year I became a pet parent, got a job I like, traveled to rad places and ate a lot of delicious food. I hope I can be just as into 2011, but I doubt it because I always like even years better than odd years.


1 comment:

Sdools said...

YES! The blog is baaack. Gracias.