Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Things That I'm Into: Sultan's Market

My VERY FAVORITE lunch in the entire city of chicago. I love the crap out of Sultan's.  I can't believe its taken me this long to declare my love strong and loud on this blog. The proper order is a falafil sandwich extra spicy. If you are especially hungry then add a cup of lentil soup. The end.

There is one in wicker park and in lincoln park. Booyah.

Also, the dudes that work there are rad. 


Chrystal said...


Kerry said...

Did you ever do that thing where you take a big enthusiastic bite out of a sandwich & you actually bite your finger, really hard?...nah, me neither...

One of these days we will make a trip to Chicago. It looks great.

loricmann said...

i can't believe you were wearing THAT lipstick out in the DAY! ha. anyway, is there any chance that we went to this place when i was in chicago one time? i remember bottles of sriracha lining one wall and wanting to buy one really bad and then forgetting. also, you've been slacking on the bloggin again, just thought you could use a little reminder. :)

Lucy said...

Yes Lori! I did take you there. Siracha bottles do line the wall. It is so good. I'm back on the blogging wagon, promise. Many things that I'm into lately.