Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Things That I'm Into: August Asian-Inspired Meal

So apparently this blog is on a food kick? Sorry about that. Will get back to other nonsense soon, promise.

We've been getting Kohlrabi in our CSA, and didn't even know enough about it (like, um, its name) to google it to find out about it. Luckily Chrystal used to work at a nursery and knows lots of smart things about plants, including what Kohlrabi is and how to prepare it. Especially when it is super hot out and you don't want to cook much. Turns out it tastes like Jicama (to me).  Delicious and refreshing. 


Kohlrabi/Cucumber Salad with Soy Sauce Maple Dressing. 
Kohlrabi Greens Chips
Siracha Hummos (a revelation! definitely making this again)
No-knead bread

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