Thursday, June 17, 2010

Things That I'm Into: Balcony Garden, Week Three & Four

I took pictures last week but failed to post them, so here's week 3 & 4 in our balcony garden. As you can see, we added a new plant: Padron Peppers, which my Uncle Bill dropped off two weeks ago (he had seeded a lot of starters after falling in love with them on a trip to Spain). We didn't have anything to plant them in so they made it into this classy home depo orange paint bucket with some holes drilled the bottom that we found in an alley. Nothing but class around here. 

SO. Week Three:

And Week Four:

Everything seems to be growing well, still a bit skeptical about our hanging tomato. We have basil (normal and thai) and chives galore, and some baby tomatoes on our early girl plant.  Lettuce is coming in slowly but surely.

1 comment:

Duffy said...

Nice but would be better used as a catio.